Ram It Down

by Judas Priest

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 5:30 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Ram It Down

Song Author

Glenn Tipton / Rob Halford / K.K. Downing

Tabbed by

All Instruments Transcribed By: Explained In Notice


1st → Vocals: Rob
2nd → Guitar: K.K.
3rd → Guitar: Glenn
4th → Drums: Dave
5th → Bass: Ian
6th → Synth: Don
7th → Effects: Don

File Size

348 KB




As the sun goes down, I move a round. Keep ing to the sha dows Life, hangs by a thread and I've heard it said, that I'll not see to mor row If that's my des ti ny, it 'll have to be. So I'll face the fu ture Run ning out _ of time, I'm on the line. But I'll go down fight _ ing Felt the hand of jus tice, tell ing wrong from right Threw me out _ u pon _ the street in the mid dle of the night Cy ber net ic heart beat, dig i tal pre cise Pneu ma tic fin gers near ly had me in their vice Not beg ging you. I'm tell ing you You won't break me. you won't make me You won't take me un _ der blood red skies You won't break me, you won't take me I'll fight you un der blood red skies _ Through a shat tered ci ty, watched by la ser eyes O ver head the night squad glides the de cay ing pa ra dise _ Au to ma tic sni per wiith com pu ter sights Scans the bleak ho ri zon for its vic tim of the night They're clos ing in. They'll nev er win You won't break me. you won't make me You won't take me un _ der blood red skies You won't break me, you won't take me I'll fight you un der blood red skies _ As the end is draw ing near Stand ing proud, I won't give in to fear As I die a leg end will be born I will stand, I will fight. you'll nev er take me a live I'll stand my ground. I won't _ go down You won't break me. you won't make me You won't take me un _ der blood red skies You won't break me, you won't take me I'll face you un der blood red skies _ You'll nev er take me a live _ I'm tel ling you hands of jus tice _ I will stand, I will fight. Nev er sur ren der. Nev er sur ren der The great est times, I've ev er known They're locked in side o' me and carved out of stone I've bro ken hearts, made peo ple sing I've drove a mil lion miles, I've done ev 'ry thing I'm A Rock er. Oh Oh. Do as I feel as I say I'm A Rock er. Oh Oh. And no one can take that a way Bring on the night, that's when I live I come a live in side give all I can give I live each day like it's my last I live for rock and roll, I nev er look back I'm A Rock er. Oh Oh. I do as I feel as I say I'm A Rock er. Oh Oh. And no one can take that a way I'm A Rock er (Rock er) (Rock er) And I'm al ways rev ving up I'm A Rock er (Rock er) (Rock er) I can nev er get e nough I'm A Rock er (Rock er) (Rock er) It's some thing in my blood I'm A Rock er (Rock er) (Rock er) Would n't change it e ven if I could I'm A Rock er. Oh Oh. Do as I feel as I say I'm A Rock er. Oh Oh. And no one can take that a way Yeah! _ Deep down in Lou isi an a close to New Or leans, way back up in the woods among st the ev er greens There stood an old cab in made of earth and wood _ where lived a count ry boy named John ny B. Goode That nev er ev er learned to read and write so well but he could play a gui tar just like ring ing a bell Go Go. Go John ny go Go Go. Go John ny go He used to car ry his gui tar in a gun ny sack _ Go sit be neath the tree by the rail road track _ Old en gi neer sit ting in the shade _ strum ming with the rhy thm that the dri vers made The peo ple pass ing by would stop and say, "Oh my, but how that lit tle coun try boy could play" Go Go. Go John ny go Go Go. Go John ny go. John ny B. Goode. Go John ny His mot her told him some day you will be a man and you will be the lea der of a big old band Man y peo ple com ing from a mil es a round _ to hear you play your mus ic till the sun goes down May be some day your name will be in the lights, say ing John ny B. Goode to night. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go John ny go Go. Go. Go John ny go Go. Go. Go John ny go Go. Go. Go John ny go. John ny B. Goode _ Go. Go. Go John ny go. John ny B. Goode Go John ny go You get me up, then we both get down _ We roll all night mak ing heav y sounds I'm all tied up on your bed. I'd rath er be in in side your head Don't do this, do it like that oh yeah _ You've hit the spot, give it all you got, I don't care _ I'll teach you a les son that you won't for get Why don't you save your breath? Cuz I'm gon na love ya to death I'm com ing to the point, I can't hold back. Then you ease off with your at tack Yer the best I've had if you please. You nev er stop, you great big big big tease Don't do this, do it like that oh yeah _ You've hit the spot, give it all you got, I don't care _ I'll teach you a les son that you won't for get Why don't you save your breath? Cuz I'm gon na love ya to death. Love ya to death Yes I'm gon na love ya to death. Love ya to death You can take me plac es I thought I'd nev er go But when you turn your love on me Oh ba by yer the star of the show You can take me plac es I thought I'd nev er go But when you turn your love on me Oh ba by yer the star of the show _ _ _ I'll teach you a les son that you won't for get Why don't you save your breath? OH! Cuz I'm gon na love ya to death Love ya to death Yes I'm gon na love ya to death. Oh love ya to death Yes I'm gon na love ya to death Yes I'm gon na love ya to death Yes I'm gon na love ya to death It star ted man y years a go, out of the black coun try The seed be came the em bry o, for all on earth to see Like stealth the word spread mouth to mouth, all corn ers of the land And soon the thing be gan to grow, and get right out of hand From the con crete jun gle, the smoke, the dirt, the grime Could not con tain the hun ger, it grew _ and grew in time, in to a Mon ster _ Mon ster of rock. They could nev er bind _ it. It vowed to reach the top They took the sound a cross the seas, the peo ple stood in awe At last the sound had come to them that they'd been wait ing for And mill ions roared, and mill ions cheered this spec ta cle on stage And ev 'ry one went cra zy as it bel lowed out in rage From the con crete jun gle, the smoke, the dirt, the grime Could not con tain the hun ger, it grew _ and grew in time, in to a Mon ster _ Mon ster of rock. They could nev er bind _ it. It vowed to reach the top. Oh, Mon ster _ Mon ster of rock. They could nev er bind _ it. Im pos si ble to stop. Mon ster of rock From the con crete jun gle, the smoke, the dirt, the grime Could not con tain the hun ger, it grew _ and grew in time, in to a Mon ster _ Mon ster of rock. They could nev er bind _ it. It vowed to reach the top. Oh, Mon ster _ Mon ster of rock. They could nev er bind _ it. Im pos si ble to stop. Stop! Mon ster _ Mon ster of rock. They could nev er bind _ it. It vowed to reach the top. Oh, Mon ster _ Mon ster of rock. They could nev er bind _ it. Im pos si ble to stop. Stop! Mon ster _


ALL Vocals By: AllJudasPriest 6. Blood Red Skies Guitar, Bass, Drums By: AllJudasPriest 7. I'm A Rocker Guitar, Bass, Drums By: AllJudasPriest 8. Johnny B. Goode Guitar, Bass, Drums By: overkillz 9. Love You To Death Guitar, Bass, Drums By: AllJudasPriest 10. Monster Of Rock Guitar, Bass & Drums By: overkillz